I’m Shiva, founder of afavorableoutcome.com.
I wanted to share my back story with you and how I started my healing journey and how I became a healer. My mother tells me always that I was always smiling and laughing kid. But I know I was living with a constant fear. Fear of I would lose my father. In deep seated I know my father will not live long. All the time one feeling always running with me that my father is living with me it’s not real it’s like I was in a dream. And finally I lost my father is age of eight in unexpected and shocking way my father fell down from his office’s roof and died. After that my life changed forever. It would be the events of the next few years that would show me that you can recover and stronger than ever from anything that breaks you down. After I lost my father I was starting losing my confidence. I started living with fear, grief, insecurity, undergrounded, powerless. It was big trauma of my life. I experienced what it is to be systematically broken down mentally and emotionally. And it started to become very damaging and soon I was in chronic depression. Unable to think well, uncontrolled fear of happening something worst or another trauma all the time. Start medication but it didn’t works. I was not satisfied with my life and I wanted to live my life as I wish. I can’t give up. I was desperate to permanently cure my depression and live a healthy & peaceful life. I was a very curious child & I would ask questions constantly. I would never be satisfied with just being told. I always had to experiment and find out for my self. I have always been extremely fascinated to God and the Angels and anything related to spiripual. I always express gratitude to God for all good helping in my life even waynot it's just a candy and one day God given me answer to my question for I wanted to heal and cure my chronic depression through my intuition and my feeling stop taking medicines and start your own healing .
I was confused is it real what I received and I didn’t know how to proceed because in that time even I was not familiar with word of healing. But anyhow I had to follow it because I have unwavering believe and trust in my intuitions and fellings. Gradually I stopped taking medicine within a month and start praying to heal my chronic depression and I got feel better but still I was not familiar with healing process and also not excited to do healing experiment.
After that at the age of 21, I started to find my place in this world who I am and how can I express myself? And I tried & did many types of jobs and businesses but I was not able to continue it doesn’t matter for me how much money I was earning and also that was fulfilling my needs and my family needs. I completely tired and exhausted, and my depression was back because I started to believe I am not able to do any work and I am not suitable for any business. I broke and lost and all the time trying to keep any self believe I am not doomed. I never forget how I was felling in that time it was horror, uncontrollable fear, felling overwhelmed all the time. I was not scared for my future at all because I never failed in any jobs and businesses I tried. I was incapable to continue my job and businesses. My body, mind,heart and ofcourse my soul never supported me with any work I tried i my early age .No one was there for guide me what happening with me. And then I decided that it was time to step back from everything I was involved with and to begin focusing on whom I am. i felt that I had lost my identity while doing jobs and businesses.
I totally stopped my all works and began asking questions from God for clarity what purpose behind these experiences. And one day I got very improving answers start healing. I was amaze and confuse together because I was not sure start healing for me or others as professionally but I felt relief and relaxed. I didn’t know why but it was true. It took 18 months to get clarity and to uncover my confusion that answer of my prayer was to start healing others professionally. Because it was difficult to accept for me that I can heal others. I decided to honor myself and God given gift of healing had presented itself. My life changed dramatically from that point. I immediately found my self. My healing abilities had spreads by word of mouth. I realized that this was the job God meant for me to do. My journey as a healer began 10 years ago. Now I am completely devoted and dedicated to heal others. This is my reason to live. And this God given job help me to live each day purposefully, confidently and joyfully.